Pinto Pete In
Western musical program from the 1930's.
- Each of the following broadcasts are 15
minutes in length unless otherwise noted.
- To order, select the following
CD number(s) of your choice:
- CD014467.
- # 1 Blue
Sky Way Up Yonder
- # 2 Row,
Row, Row Your Boat
- # 3 Home On
The Range
- # 4 Red
River Valley
- CD014468.
- # 5 Blue
Tail Fly
- # 6 My Old
Kentucky Home
- # 7 Ragtime
- # 8 Back
Home Again In Indiana
- CD014469.
- # 9 Roll
Along Covered Wagon
- #10 Waitin'
By The Rio Grande
- #11 Side By
- #12 Little
Green Valley
- CD014470.
- #13
Springtime In Paris
- #14
Moonlight Bay
- #15 Red Red
- #16 When
Irish Eyes Are Smiling
- CD014471.
- #17 Oh Mona
- #18 Take Me
Back To My Boots And Saddle
- #19 When
The Moon Plays Peek-A-Boo
- #20 Utah
- CD014472.
- #21 My
Silver Bell
- #22 Shoo
- #23 A High
Tone Dance
- #24 Sweet
Cider Time
- CD014473.
- #25 Let A
Smile Be Your Umbrella
- #26 Oregon
- #27 Won't
You Be My Honey
- #28
Sweetheart Town
- CD014474.
- #29 The
Girl That Married Dear Old Dad
- #30 Open Up
Them Pearly Gates
- #31 Jesse
- #32 My Blue
Ridge Mountain Queen
- CD014475.
- #33 You'll
Be Mine In Apple Blossom Time
- #34 Ozark
Mountain Home
- #35 I'm
Alabamy Bound
- #36 There's
A Rainbow Shining Somewhere
- CD014476.
- #37 Gallop
Your Troubles Away
- #38 Give My
Regards To Broadway
- #39 The Gal
I Left Behind Me
- #40 Waitin'
For Robert E. Lee
- CD014477.
- #41 Roll
Roll Rollin' Along
- #42 Here
Comes The Sun
- #43 Home
James And Don't Spare The Horses
- #44 Back In
The Old Sunday School
- CD014478.
- #45 Swanee
River Moon
- #46 Roll
Along Prairie Moon
- #47 I'll Be
- #48 That
Old Gang Of Mine
- CD014479.
- #49
Colorado Memories
- #50 Behind
The Clouds
- #51 School
Day Sweethearts
- #52 Baby
Your Mother
- CD014480.
- #53 Spanish
- #54 Mandy
- #55 When
The Harvest Days Are Over
- #56
Driftwood On The Sea Of Dreams
- CD014481.
- #57 The
Wind Blew Through His Whiskers
- #58 Good
Old Sunny South
- #59 My Ohio
- #60 Where
Do You Work?
- CD014482.
- #61 Sunny
- #62 Show
That Fella The Door
- #63 Where
The Huckleberries Grow
- #64 Walkin
With My Sweetness
- CD014483.
- #65 Man On
The Flying Trapeze
- #66 Down By
The Swanee River
- #67 Don't
Wanna Be Rich
- #68 My
Carolina Sunshine
- CD014484.
- #69 You
Can't Fool An Old Horsefly
- #70 Got A
Gal In California
- #71 Ride
The Carol
- #72 Broken
Down Farmer
- CD014485.
- #73
Blushing Bride
- #74 Rootin'
Tootin' Sons Of Guns
- #75 Little
Old Sod Shanty
- #76 Band I
Bought For The Hand
- CD014486.
- #77 How I
Love You
- #78 Just
The Same
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search engine click here to go to our home page.
- Comments:
- Copyright © 2005 by Terry G. G. Salomonson. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States
Of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the author.
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Copyright © 1997-2012 Terry Salomonson
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Last Updated: 04/27/15 07:37:41 PM