The following broadcasts are a rare copies
of the NBC series Monitor. Monitor
was heard from 06/12/55 to 01/26/74. The
episode numbers that appear on the following CD’s are used for reference
only and are not the episode number from the entire series.
Instead the numbers represent each time Monitor aired an X Minus One
broadcast, on the fourth Sunday of each month.
The premiere X Minus One Monitor broadcast was on 06/24/74.
Here recordings were supplied to Audio Classics Archive by Goodman Danielsen
from his father’s personal home recordings of these broadcasts.
There are some audio problems with some of these broadcasts, but we
offer them as a rare look at the Monitor series.
- Each of the following broadcasts are 30
minutes in length unless otherwise noted.
- To order, select the following
CD number(s) of your choice:
- CD910850
- 06/24/73
# 1 There Will Come Soft Rains / Zero Hour
- 07/22/73
# 2 How To
- CD910851
- 08/26/73
# 3 Perigi's Wonderful Dolls
- 09/23/73
# 4 Mars Is Heaven
- CD910852
- 10/28/73
# 5 Martian Sam
- 11/25/73
# 6 The Veldt
- CD910853
- 12/23/73
# 7 And The Moon Be Still As Bright
- 01/27/74
# 8 Surface Tension
- CD910854
- 02/24/74
# 9 The Parade
- 03/25/74
#10 Dr. Grimshaw's Sanitarium
- CD910855
- 07/28/74
#14 Knock
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- Comments:
- Copyright © 2003 by Terry G. G. Salomonson. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States
Of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the author.
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Copyright © 1997-2012 Terry Salomonson
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Last Updated: 04/27/15 07:37:41 PM