One of the best old time radio shows ever, or
some collectors believe. It does rank right up there in the fond
memories of many radio listeners. Heard from 01/16/39 to the last
broadcast on 12/26/52. Written by Carlton E. Morse of One Man's Family
fame. He was the series creator, writer, producer, and director.
- Each of the following broadcasts are 15
minutes in length unless otherwise noted.
- To order, select the following
CD number(s) of your choice:
- The Thing
That Cries In The Night (10/31/49 to 11/20/49)
- CD911370
10/31/49 # 1 The Boys Are Famous
11/01/49 # 2 A Woman Is Slashed
11/02/49 # 3 Diseased Family Tree
11/03/49 # 4 The House Is Haunted
- CD911371
11/04/49 # 5 The Chauffeur Is Murdered
11/07/49 # 6 A Baby Cries
11/08/49 # 7 Searching For Clues
11/09/49 # 8 Job Is Interrogated
- CD911372
11/10/49 # 9 Cheri Has A Secret
11/11/49 #10 Analyzing The Murder
11/14/49 #11 A Red Smock With No Face
11/15/49 #12 Jack Knows Who The Murderer Is
- CD911373
11/16/49 #13 Analyzing The Facts
11/17/49 #14 Looking For The Murderer
11/18/49 #15 The Murderer Is Exposed
- Bury Your
Dead, Arizona (11/21/49 to 12/11/49)
- CD911374
11/21/49 # 1 Police And Gangsters
Are After The Boys
11/22/49 # 2 Maestro Has Strange
11/23/49 # 3 Nasha Jumps From The
11/24/49 # 4 Boxcar Left In The
- CD911375
11/25/49 # 5 Jumping Dick Leads
Everyone To Town
11/28/49 # 6 Dry Gulch Mary
11/29/49 # 7 Jack Calls For Help
11/30/49 # 8 Jumping Dick Is Caught
- CD911376
12/01/49 # 9 Jack Suspects Maestro
Of Murder
12/02/49 #10 Doc And Reggie Look
For Jack
12/05/49 #11 Laura Sees Nasha
Floating In The Desert
12/06/49 #12 Maestro To Bring Nasha
Back From The Dead
- CD911377
12/07/49 #13 Nasha's Grave Is Empty
12/08/49 #14 Maestro Tries To
12/09/49 #15 Maestro Confesses To